Family Legacy Wealth Plan: 3 Must-Have Conversations With Adult Children A family legacy wealth plan requires care and...
Family Issues Estate Planning
New Resource Booklet: Creating Your Health Care Directive
Every adult over the age of 18 who is of sound mind should consider creating an Advance Health Care Directive...
Leave Your Retirement Account to Your Minor Child
When it comes to passing on your assets, your retirement savings account is likely one of the largest items to...
Choosing a Non-U.S. Citizen to Be Guardian
The thought of not being able to see to the care and upbringing of your children is a painful one. That pain could be...
How to Keep Your Child’s Inheritance Out of Your In-Laws’ Hands
You may have an adult child who is happily married right now, but there’s always the possibility they could get...
California Estate Planning – Updated Resource Booklets
We recently published updated versions of my three most popular resource booklets relating to California estate...
Do I Have to Use My Parents’ Estate Planning Attorney for Trust Administration
Parents, when creating a trust, frequently choose one of their children to take over as trustee when the parents are...
FAFSA Guideline Change Aids Grandparents in Funding Kid’s Education
FAFSA Guideline Change Aids Grandparents in Funding Kid’s Education Many grandparents enjoy the chance to help their...
Who Will Take Care of My Child If I Die or Can’t?
Guardianship and Fiduciary Responsibility for Your Kids Having children is one thing that motivates many people to...
May-September Relationships and Estate Planning
Age is not an important factor for many people in choosing a partner. While the average gap in married couples is...
The Basics of Common Trusts
Good parenting is about loving and supporting your children. That does not always mean spending the same resources for...
When a Loved One Dies
Serving Families & Individuals in Palo Alto, CA and the Surrounding Areas Death can take a tremendous toll on a...
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