
Is an Electronic Will Right for You?
When most people think about having a will made, they think about a long, dusty document filled with confusing legal...

Who Will Take Care of My Child If I Die or Can’t?
Guardianship and Fiduciary Responsibility for Your Kids Having children is one thing that motivates many people to...

Estate Tax Planning and Marital Deduction
Estate Tax Planning and the Marital Deduction Most couples prefer to maximize the share of their estate that passes to...

May-September Relationships and Estate Planning
Age is not an important factor for many people in choosing a partner. While the average gap in married couples is...

The Basics of Common Trusts
Good parenting is about loving and supporting your children. That does not always mean spending the same resources for...

What Happens to Your Social Media When You Die?
How to Handle Facebook, Twitter, and Other Social Media Accounts After the Death of a Loved One Social media is a huge...

Portability of the Estate Tax Exemption
The legacy you leave your loved ones and cherished causes includes the values you instill in them, directives for the...

What Is HEMS and Why Is It in So Many Trusts?
When creating a trust, one of the questions you have to answer is how you want the trustee to make distributions to...

What is the Difference Between Legacy Planning and Estate Planning?
When starting the estate planning process, you may also hear the term ‘legacy planning’ and assume that the two terms...

How to overcome uncertainty and confidently divvy up your estate
Humans are often uncomfortable with uncertainty, and it’s part of what makes us, well, human. Estate planning is a...

How Business Owners Can Protect Their Legacy by Avoiding Inheritance Mistakes
When it comes to estate planning, people often think of what will happen to their personal assets—for business owners,...

What Is a Qualified Personal Residence Trust in the United States?
Many people who learn about the estate tax underestimate the value of their home. They think that the estate tax...

Single with No Children? Why an Estate Plan is Still Necessary
Estate planning is a complex process. One of the hardest parts of it is deciding how to distribute one’s assets....

Naming Non-Citizens as Beneficiaries, Trustees, and Executors
When your family includes non-U.S. citizens and you want to make them beneficiaries, trustees, or executors for your...

Forming a Trust in California as a Non-Citizen
A non-citizen can form a trust in California but will need significant legal advice on the tax consequences. Both...

Creditor Access to Irrevocable Trusts in California
In California, creditors have limited access to irrevocable trusts because the trust creators cede all control of...

The Generation Skipping Tax and Your Estate Planning Strategy
The generation-skipping tax, also called the generation-skipping transfer tax, generally impacts families where...

What Is the Maximum Gift You Can Give Without Being Taxed?
If you have heard of the gift tax, you may worry about paying taxes on any gifts that you give to family and friends....