
What Is a UTMA or UGMA Account?
If you are planning on making gifts or transferring property to children, you should familiarize yourself with the...

What Is a Conflict of Interest for a Trustee of a Trust?
If you are the trustee of a trust or benefit from one, it can be helpful to know the conflict of interest rules for...

Are Your Stepchildren Your Heirs? California Basics
In California, stepchildren can inherit from an estate if there is no will and under specific circumstances. If you...

Renewing an ITIN that Is Expiring
If you have an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) so that you can file U.S. tax returns, you may need to...

What Is a California Pour-Over Will?
Creating an estate plan often begins with drafting a will to explain how you would like your property distributed...

Can a Non-Citizen Use a Power of Attorney in California?
If you are a non-citizen spending time in California and you have people depending on you, consider signing a power of...

Can You Name a Non-Citizen as Beneficiary of a Retirement Account?
When you have internationally located family members or non-U.S. citizen relatives, you may want to make one a...